Getting Organized

04 Jul 2020 - Hieronymus

I can start by attempting to bring more organization to what I’ve been thinking and considering so far. With a more organized view of such ideas I should be positioned to make better evaluation (sober, please) of where I stand and how realistic or desireable any particular ideas are. It should also, depending on my evaluations, help to provide a plotting of the path forward. My unemployment insurance is going to be greatly reduced at the end of July, or discontinued all together. Driving for WS may not start in August, or were it to do so, it could turn out to be danger and drudgery that I don’t want to take up again. I need to move forward toward a better outcome. That is the whole purpose of this journal and this time.

So I have a plan.

The place to do this is in the static project section (Dense Blend).

My helpful screenshot

I am a post!